Rondewu 7: Bodily Knowledge

We are a group of feminists, writers, artists, activists, anti-racists, anarchists, anti-capitalists, workers, students, living breathing human beings of all ages and genders and we would like to meet you. Together we form RONDEWU, an annual gathering in the mountains, which is first and foremost exactly this: a gathering, a rendez-vous. We as a group believe in gatherings of all kinds: gathering around a table, around a meal, around a bottle of vine. But also: gathering around an idea, a project, a book, gathering to form a choir, a theatre group or a hiking crew, or a demonstration. We also strongly believe in sharing: sharing our living spaces, our food, sharing care work, sharing all sorts of skills and knowledges without making a strong distinction between theoretical and practical, academic or non-academic, useful or useless. We speak different languages (German, Italian, English…) and our means of expression vary. During RONDEWU we try to create fruitful and fun combinations of our different backgrounds, form new alliances and friendships between thinking and doing, arts and politics, and of course between people. Our common ground is a passion for organised chaos and the belief that the world we live in needs to change in many ways.


13 – 20 August 2022, Salecina, Maloja 



feat. Kris Kuldkepp, sound artist

Meeting as a temporarily group enables us to try out things that we couldn´t do on our owns. We invite you to follow the idea of handing over things in “KETTE” – “CATENA” [bucket brigade] in this one-day-workshop. We will research on how to use those short encounters of hands with objects as a collective form of artmaking but also of working together in reliance to eachother.

“We are changeable and mutual
We are able to modify the inner and the outer landscape
We are evanescent and rare”


LET THE GRASS SPEAK FOR US / screaming the library

Every Rondewu is a rendezvous of different people with different backgrounds, interests, opinions, feelings and languages. In the podcast-workshop we will try to record the conversations that emerge from this plurality of voices. By recording the conversations we can arrange them, put them next to eachother, re-live them. We can put them in the grass and make the grass tell us our own thoughts. We can make the house speak for us. We can let the voices talk and walk away.
In the next step, we won’t talk in our own voices anymore, but in the voices of others. Salecina’s library is a place of silence, is an archive of leftist thought and of the history of the valley. We will go to the library and find the voice in which we would like to speak.



this years rondewu-reading group


Apart from scheduled activities, there will be wide room to organise something spontaneously on spot if you feel like it. In the end it is also very much up to the participants how the week looks like and develops.

If you want to have any confrontation before getting in the Swiss Alps with the Orga-team drop a line here (rondewu[a]immerda[dot]ch)

Registration infos 

-> The participation in the activities is optional: everyone can put their own focus and choose what they want to do or take a break if necessary.
-> Language: all contents will be provided in English and if necessary interpreted to Italian or German.