We are a group of feminists, writers, artists, activists, anti-racists, anarchists, anti-capitalists, workers, students, living breathing human beings of all ages and genders and we would like to meet you. Together we form RONDEWU, an annual gathering in the mountains, which is first and foremost exactly this: a gathering, a rendez-vous.
We as a group believe in gatherings of all kinds: gathering around a table, around a meal, around a bottle of vine. But also: gathering around an idea, a project, a book, gathering to form a choir, a theatre group or a hiking crew, or a demonstration.
We also strongly believe in sharing: sharing our living spaces, our food, sharing care work, sharing all sorts of skills and knowledge without making a strong distinction between theoretical and practical, academic or non-academic, useful or useless.
We speak different languages (German, Italian, English…) and our means of expression vary.
During RONDEWU we try to create fruitful and fun combinations of our different backgrounds, form new alliances and friendships between thinking and doing, arts and politics, and of course between people.
Our common ground is a passion for organised chaos and the belief that the world we live in needs to change in many ways.